This morning I sat reviewing the study guide I wrote for “Journey to Wholeness”, a book written by Dr. Stan DeKoven. It was my very first writing assignment for Vision International University back in 2010. I had no idea where that writing assignment would lead me, but that is another story for another time. As I scrolled through the pages, I found this memory of a 1990’s mission trip and a poem that I had totally forgotten writing. This is what I wrote:
“After returning to the United States from a trip to the Dominican Republic, I (Kathy) found myself revisiting the people of God in the comfort of my own living room. Through the rehearsing of memories of things I had seen, and heard and experienced, I sought comfort. Comfort in that I may have brought them hope in what seemed like a hopeless place. As I thought on these things, the following words came to mind:
In the great expanse of time and space,
I make frequent visits to a time and place,
That I have visited once before.
It is a place across the ocean,
Where dark-skinned children play.
Most are barefoot,
Some have no clothes.
Many are hungry with no place to go.
Lord, who will feed the children?
Their stomachs are hungry for food.
Their minds are hungry for knowledge of truth.
Their hearts are hungry for God’s love…
Lord, who will feed the children?
Who will feed your children?
Please send your answer right away.
Won’t you send someone?
Send someone today.
And from Heaven I heard His voice,
There were no thunder clashes,
There were no lightning bolts,
That accompanied God’s response.
Just this still small voice,
That spoke within.
You are someone, aren’t you?
I choose you.
Won’t you feed my children?
“For I was a hungered, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in:”
Wow… even thirty years ago I heard God calling me. I had no idea at the time where that call would lead. From the comfort of my home in Ohio, God took me to NC, CA, and now Michigan. Along the way I have also made short term trips to teach and minister in El Salvador, Austria, and Brazil. I continue to teach wherever I go, feeding God’s children the word and creating resources for church leaders all around the world. God is good, but he is not a respecter of persons, he has called each of us to feed his children.
And He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.” God’s children are hungry… not with just a physical hunger but with a spiritual hunger as well. Won’t you answer the call to feed the children of God? You can do so by praying for the sick, feeding the poor, or teaching and ministering as the Lord leads. Who will feed God’s children? Will you?