More Than a Band-aid Station

The Church, More than a Band-Aid Station The small hometown where I raised my children had a small community hospital. Two of my children were born in that small facility. While they could handle routine medical concerns, more serious cases had to be transported to larger hospitals and trauma centers nearby. For this reason, many would refer to it as nothing more than a band-aid station. That is another way of saying, if you walk in the door injured and bleeding, they may be able to cover your wound and stop the flow of the blood, but don’t expect too much more.  Healing and repair are beyond their expertise.  They must transport you to another location to have those needs met. This is a bit of an over-simplification, but you understand the point. The church must be more than a band-aid station, it is a hospital for the sick and hurting.  It is a place of refuge for those seeking safety and peace.  It is a lighthouse for those in despair who have lost all hope.  The church must never be content with pleasant platitudes and meaningless exposes of thought.  The church is to be a vehicle through which God’s […]

Do You Have a War Room?

The War Room —-A place where we wrestle with God. Jacob wrestled with God. Relentless in his pursuit he contended for the blessing. Before the encounter with the angel, Jacob knew God as the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac. However afterwards, Jacob knew God for himself; his relationship was no longer second hand. This intense struggle changed him forever. No longer would he be known as Jacob the trickster, but now he was Israel of God. Acknowledging that this was not just the God of Abraham and Isaac, but also the God of Israel, he built an altar so that he could worship. It is important to note, contending with God does not change God, for he is the same yesterday, today, and forever. However, contending with God transforms us. Do you have a war room? If so, when is the last time you contended with God there?