Yesterday, most of us memorialized the horrific terror attack on our home soil nineteen years ago. We watched the video clips, once again reliving the agony as the planes hit the towers and the Pentagon. Finally, we see the plane that aborted its mission to the capital plummet and burst into flames in a field in Pennsylvania. This last mission failed to hit its mark due to the heroic individuals that chose to do something about their situation. That something cost them their lives, but it saved the lives of countless others. Today, many of us have returned our thoughts to the business at hand. From the comfort of our own homes we lament the status of our current world affairs. However, lamenting accomplishes nothing.
As I scrolled through the thoughts of others on social media posts, I am reminded of the old star trek series and the phrase, “Beam me up Scotty”. Many are discussing their agony over present day dilemmas and their horror over events that are frequenting our news day after day. Some are verbally expressing their desire to be caught up to be with Jesus. Do not get me wrong, I want to be with Jesus when I leave here as much as anyone else, but a question nags at my mind. Have I finished my race? Have I completed the mission? While I may think I am ready to meet Jesus, what about the countless others with whom I do life? What about the millions of people around the world that have not yet come to know Jesus as I have?
Runners in a long race often talk about hitting the wall, a point at which they feel they can go no longer run their race. However, those who persevere speak of getting a second wind and going on to finish their race. I wonder if that is not what is happening to many Christians today who simply want to be raptured out? They may want to escape the dilemmas that our current life entails, but what about finishing the race? Jesus told us to occupy until he comes. I do not think he means we are to cower in fear waiting for his return. I think he wants us to establish his kingdom here on earth. Plowing, sowing, and reaping; making ourselves busy with the work that is at hand.
Let us not become disheartened. Our race is not done. Now is not the time to cower in fear and say, beam me up! Now is the time to straighten up, catch our breath, and run the race that is set before us. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. Let us remember the brave souls onboard flight 93 that stared death in the face and said, not on my watch. We too have a mission to accomplish and a race to complete. Let us muster our courage and prepare to act as our father guides and directs. When that day finally comes that takes me home; I want to be found hard at work, doing my father’s business. I want to hear him say, “Well done by good and faithful servant!”
Let us not be a part of the “beam me up” generation, simply wanting to escape. Let us choose to act. Let us choose to be about our father’s business. Let us be found faithful when he does return. Are you ready? Let’s roll!