The Journey to Wholeness

This morning I sat reviewing the study guide I wrote for “Journey to Wholeness”, a book written by Dr. Stan DeKoven.  It was my very first writing assignment for Vision International University back in 2010.  I had no idea where that writing assignment would lead me, but that is another story for another time.  As I scrolled through the pages, I found this memory of a 1990’s mission trip and a poem that I had totally forgotten writing.  This is what I wrote: “After returning to the United States from a trip to the Dominican Republic, I (Kathy) found myself revisiting the people of God in the comfort of my own living room.   Through the rehearsing of  memories of things I had seen, and heard and experienced, I sought comfort.  Comfort in that I may have brought them hope in what seemed like a hopeless place.  As I thought on these things, the following words came to mind: In the great expanse of time and space, I make frequent visits to a time and place, That I have visited once before. It is a place across the ocean, Where dark-skinned children play.  Most are barefoot, Some have no clothes. Many […]