Spiritual Gifts

Most Christians are familiar with the gifts of the Spirit.  Many also know about the five- fold ministry gifts.  An abundance of teaching and numerous books are available on either subject to those who want to understand their gifting and how they fit into the work of the ministry.  A third set of gifts has had far less prominence in the Christian educational arena however.  The gifts that I speak of are the Motivational Gifts which have been given to us by our Heavenly Father.

What is a motivational gift and how does it affect who we are as Christians?  It is our personality or lifestyle gift that each of us was born with.  It is a gift of grace, not something we have earned.  It is fundamental to who we are in Christ Jesus and who we were called to be.   If we are to be fully effective in the work to which we have been called then we must first and foremost come to the knowledge of the truth of who he created us to be.  Let us examine this scripture.

 Romans 12:6-86 We have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us: prophecy, in proportion to faith; 7 ministry, in ministering; the teacher, in teaching; 8 the exhorter, in exhortation; the giver, in generosity; the leader, in diligence; the compassionate, in cheerfulness.

We have each been graced with a gift from our Heavenly Father.  There are a total of seven motivational gifts that in totality represent the person and work of our Lord Jesus Christ.  The gifts, all seven of them were evident in the life of Christ but each of us has received a measure of that gift of God.  We should have all seven gifts evidenced in our lives, but only one gift may be dominant in each of us.

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